
Starting a Non-profit

From a document I found online , the first step when starting a non-profit in Virginia would be determining a name for one's Organization. This seems to be a logical first step. Upon deciding the name, checking for availability is second. There were 2 websites listed to check for names trademarked: & The next step the document list is choosing a Board of Directors; however, I feel before forming a board the mission and vision statement should be completed. After the Board of Directors are selected, Completing and signing the Articles of Incorporation is priority. Here is a link to Virginia's specific form. There is a fee attached to this step; the filling fees chart can be found here .writing the non-profit's. Drafting the By Laws are next. It is suggested in the publication to seek legal advice during the By Laws and Articles of Incorporation.

Agency/ Nonprofit

Trees within the Upper Clinch River Watershed

Invasive Species

Web Soil Survey

Below are maps from USDA Web Soil Survey. The locations captured are the four counties apart of the Upper Clinch River watershed. At the bottom of each map is a table outlining the soils which held over 3% composition within the county. This tool (USDA Web Soil Survey) was a wealth of knowledge. It's easy to forget what one is looking for after discovering all of the features the site offers. I listed the basics on the blog, but clicked on other levels to explore in depth. The website was easy to navigate, but at times I didn't understand the material shown. With more knowledge of soils and more time dedicated to this site, this tool would be useful for future projects.

Climate & Weather Data

After searching the National Center for Environmental Information, I have included data from counties within the Upper Clinch River watershed in Virginia: Tazewell, Russell, Wise, and Scott County. Within the images below, there is a Global Summary (2016) and Annual Report (1981- 2010) from the following sites: Big Stone Gap (Wise County), Wise (Wise County), Richlands (Tazewell), Burkes Garden (Tazewell). There is also 2016 Global Summary on Lebanon (Russell) with no Annual Report to accompany, and a Gate City Global Summary 2015 with no Annual Report.


I had no knowledge of this tool before this assignment. MyMaps was easy to use and understand. The downfall was on my part attempting to identify habitats of locations I have visited. This is a tool I would use again for other projects or assignments in the future. Click Here for the map.